[Openchrome-users] No devices detected with Via driver

theboomboomcars userforum
Tue Sep 12 11:55:32 PDT 2006

Re: No devices detected with Via driver
> Aha!
> via_driver.h:73:23: error: GL/glxint.h: No such file or directory
> You're missing some bits. In Red Hat, Fedora and CentOS, this belongs to 
> the xorg-x11-devel package; I don't know what the equivalent for Ubuntu 
> is, but
> hang on
> I see Jon Nettleton has posted about this too, and he obviously knows 
> more about it than me!
> You might also have a look at 
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome which I just noticed is 
> linked from the foot of the openchrome wiki how-to-build page and has 
> Ubuntu-based step-by-step instructions.
> Cheers,
> John.

Thank you for all the help.  It worked! Everything is running much smoother now.  I followed the directions in the ubuntu forum a couple of times never getting it to work, I am guessing because of missing the x11proto file.  This is great.
Thanks so much for the assisstance.(:mrgreen:)


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