[Openchrome-users] CN400 resembles a brick on my house, they make a cool paperweight...

fuzz userforum
Tue Sep 19 09:32:26 PDT 2006

Re: CN400 resembles a brick on my house, they make a cool paperweight...
> Hello there!
> I filed a bug report ( http://www.openchrome.org/trac/ticket/74 )
> about some issues I'm having.  In that report I attached a lot logs
> hoping someone might be able to give me an idea of what's going on,
> and even better, how I may fix them.
> The jist of the problem:
> When I play HD content on an Epia with a CN400 chipset (SP13000 or
> Commell 667-T) the content either stutters too much to view it, or is
> not visible at all (1080i content in MythTV).  I'm using a very newish
> SVN build for openchrome and CVS build for DRM (within the last 2-3
> weeks).  Please view the above mentioned bug for my log files and a
> better description of my tests.
> Any hints, pointers, pokes, prods or other unruly thoughts?
> Thanks!
> -Chad
> ______________________________________

Hey Chad,

I feel for you.  I think I hit my breaking point yesterday.  I've spent the last 3 weeks trying to debug this driver.  With no response or support from either Via or anyone else, I think I've decide to return my system and get an Nvidia 6150 based system.  I can't spend anymore of my time or take away time away from my family.  It's been somewhat interesting trying to play with this but without any hope of near term success, I think it's time to move on.  Sorry to anyone hoping for a solution to arrive quickly.

Basically, everything comes down to money.  For these commercial developers, they need money to invest the resources to develop these drivers.  For the freetimers, they need a system to debug and spare cycles to spend on it.

If there were more need for these embedded systems (ie MPEG2 video display kiosks, etc.),  maybe more interest could be generated.  I think whatever advantage VIA had with these boards will quickly be eroded soon as everyone and their mother starts deveoping UMPC systems (i.e. Intel, AMD, etc.).

Best of luck,


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