[Openchrome-users] CN400 resembles a brick on my house, they make a cool paperweight...

Chad masterclc
Tue Sep 19 11:21:33 PDT 2006

> Hey Chad,
> I feel for you.  I think I hit my breaking point yesterday.  I've spent the last 3 weeks trying to debug this driver.  With no response or support from either Via or anyone else, I think I've decide to return my system and get an Nvidia 6150 based system.  I can't spend anymore of my time or take away time away from my family.  It's been somewhat interesting trying to play with this but without any hope of near term success, I think it's time to move on.  Sorry to anyone hoping for a solution to arrive quickly.
> Basically, everything comes down to money.  For these commercial developers, they need money to invest the resources to develop these drivers.  For the freetimers, they need a system to debug and spare cycles to spend on it.
> If there were more need for these embedded systems (ie MPEG2 video display kiosks, etc.),  maybe more interest could be generated.  I think whatever advantage VIA had with these boards will quickly be eroded soon as everyone and their mother starts deveoping UMPC systems (i.e. Intel, AMD, etc.).
> Best of luck,
> fuzz

That's too bad.  And I agree, they seem to have some nice 'specs' but
actually using those specs doesn't seem to be a reality for a lot of
people.  I've got a couple of 6150 based systems as well, and though
they have some quirks as well, they actually have active folks from
NVidia helping out to fix them.  The board is a great media board (the
Asus M2NPV-VM) and I think I'll end up sticking with that route as
well.  I really like what Via claims, it really would be a great
answer to mini systems that can do a lot of stuff, and silently.

Thanks for the response!


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