[Openchrome-users] 1625 TV encoder using S-Video output displays narrow image

Chad masterclc
Sat Sep 30 08:35:14 PDT 2006

On 9/30/06, Ivor Hewitt <ivor at ivor.org> wrote:
> On Friday 29 September 2006 01:15, Chad wrote:
> > Just following up with myself:
> >
> > I remembered I was using the via driver from portage (gentoo).  I
> > uninstalled it and installed the SVN openchrome (rev 221) thinking
> > that there would be progress in a newer release.
> >
> > However, after switching to 221, the screen no longer produces a
> > picture and instead now gives gray/black/white "out of sync" lines.
> > I'll take a picture and attach it if someone wants.
> >
> Please try the 720x480Fit, 720x480Under and 720x480Over modes and change the
> setting in display (there is no 720x480Noscale in the vt1625 modes and it
> should be Noscale anyway :) and change your vert refresh to a range rather
> than a fixed value. Once you've done that post a zipped logfile if the modes
> still don't sync.
> I'll try and find time to clean up my TV-mode code.
> Cheers,
> --
> Ivor Hewitt.

Thanks for the response!

I changed the following:
First just the Mode
Modes       "720x480Over"
And test, no change.  Then the VertRefresh:
   VertRefresh 40-90
Test, no change.  Then I tried each of the other Modes above
sequentially on seperate lines, no change:
#        Modes       "720x480Over"
#        Modes          "720x480Under"
        Modes           "720x480Fit"
Then I changed the HorizSync to a wider range, and still no change:
    HorizSync   30-60

I'll zip the log and attach.  Thanks!

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