[Openchrome-users] CX700 / EX10000

David Shay david
Mon Apr 9 21:58:09 PDT 2007

OK, got back to my EX10000 and tried a few things.  Still getting the
drm acquire errors.  Set AGP back to 32MB in BIOS and that didn't
resolve the problem.

I've attached my dmesg log and Xorg logs.  What could be causing the
drm error? The NoXVDMA flag didn't cure that.

In general, I don't seem to have any problem with xv through either
mplayer or xine, but I'm not getting anything accelerated.  I think I
need to solve the drm memory issue first to make any progress on xvmc.
 I can post a xine log if you want, but really looking for advice now
on the drm issue.
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