[Openchrome-users] Question about new CX700M2

Bert Haverkamp bert
Tue Apr 10 11:56:02 PDT 2007

Hello all

Last week my EX10000 arived. I installed  debian linux and the
unichrome drivers from cvs yesterday. Now I have some confusing
display trouble. Not uni
chrome related, but I hope someone can give me a hint on what is going on.
 Please bare with me.

I have tried 3 monitors:
My desktop CRT
An old spare CRT
Our Television.

First I connected the desktop CRT to the EX10000 with a DVI-VGA convertor.
The viaembedded logo is displayed correctly, but after that I get the
following error on the monitors OSD: 28K/49 Hz: frequency is out of
range (this is during the time the grub menu should display. Once
linux boots, I get the correct boot text over the screen.
The good news is that X.org starts correctly:-)
However, going to a virtual console is impossible. My monitor gives the error:
28K/0 Hz: frequency is out of range

On my old spare CRT,Booting works fine. I can see grub, even enter the
BIOS. No errors here.  However, X.org gives a black screen. Going back
to a virtual terminal (CTRL-ALT-F1) gives a mangled screen.

Finally on the Television, all seems to work, but I can't do anything
with the higher resolutions, since it is just pal:-(

Any thoughts? Is this a DVI-VGA convertor problem? Is the Epia really
using frequencies my CRT can't handle?



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