[Openchrome-users] 3d drivers and texture support

Luc Verhaegen libv
Wed Apr 11 13:09:33 PDT 2007

On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 03:50:42PM -0400, Jon Nettleton wrote:
> > 
> > Apart from that, Jon, i do feel that you're wasting your time and that 
> > you're just going to be led in circles. If this does slightly work out, 
> > VIA will use you as a marketing gimmick after which it will forget about 
> > you altogether.
> > 
> Luc,
> Thanks so much for your concern. Unfortunately when dealing with any
> large company there are a lot of politics involved.  This is not
> specific to VIA, it is just the "nature of the beast".
> So far, VIA has acted nothing but amiably towards myself and the
> openchrome.org community.  Both parties had concerns and intentions that
> needed to be discussed before a compromise was reached.  I believe that
> we have found a fantastic common ground to use as a jumping off point.
> (How about that for middle management speak?  :-)  ).
> Jon

Heh, as things are going, i'll have to learn to do this sort of politics 
soon :)

As for VIA, so far i either got stabbed in the back or got told that 
higher management pulled the plug. My feeling here is that openchrome 
will be abused for marketing purposes only.

I also doubt that several people will accept the "go through 
openchrome for NDAs" line at all. I for one will find such a line a 
complete insult (not that VIA never insulted me in any way before or 
anything), i can't imagine what people from completely unrelated 
projects will think about this. I'm talking openBSD, kernel, linuxbios, 
the various distributions, etc.

Luc Verhaegen.

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