[Openchrome-users] Trac bug #104

Philip Prindeville philipp_subx
Mon Apr 16 23:07:39 PDT 2007

Jon Nettleton wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-04-13 at 13:34 -0600, Philip Prindeville wrote:
>> Considering this bug is well documented, 100% reproducible,
>> and severe, I would have expected it to get a little more attention
>> than it seems to be doing:
>> http://www.openchrome.org/trac/ticket/104
>> Is there something that I haven't done that I need to be doing?
> Sorry Philip, but the group has been kind of busy recently.  I actually
> spent a good chunk of time debugging this Null pointer crash at the end
> of last year.  I thought we had resolved the issue upstream.  I will
> have to track it down.  
> The problem is that your Modelines and your Horizontal and Vertical
> refresh rates don't match up to create a usable Mode for your Screen.
> If you add "1600x1200" to the front of your Modes I think you will find
> that you don't get the crash any longer.
> I know we should handle this more gracefully, I just can't remember what
> the solution Thomas and I came up for to solve it.
> Jon

Well, if you remember, that would be an enormous help.

I'm working with the Intel and ATI driver groups to get
the Sil164 and VT1632 drivers supported on DVI for the
Via drivers...

But this crash is limiting my testing.



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