[Openchrome-users] Trouble getting DVI output for 1080p

Vincent Magnin openchrome
Wed Aug 8 23:17:28 PDT 2007


I've found one mistake,

I've wrote for 16bit and 24bit in Screen Section:
> Modes "1920x1080" "1080i" "720p"

instead of:
> Modes "1080p" "1080i" "720p"

No, it's working, with this modeline:
> ModeLine "1080p"   148.50   1920 2012 2068 2200   1080 1082 1088 1125

It was working until the next cold reboot!

After a cold reboot, I've to launch X using "VBEModes" "true" one time:
-> Screen is black
Then, I have to comment the line with Option "VBEModes" "true":
-> My LCD shows correct display.

Is it possible to do this "VBE initialisation" without lauching X twice?


Vincent Magnin

Xorg.log with VBEModes=true is here:

Xorg.log with VBEModes=true commented is here:
> http://www.lx-soft.com/epia/Xorg.0.log
> Conf file:
> http://www.lx-soft.com/epia/xorg.conf

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