[Openchrome-users] need help for VIA VN896.......Thanks ;)

Maurizio Mariani silverpilot19
Fri Aug 10 07:43:00 PDT 2007

Sorry Xavier,
  it,s first time for me.
I'm in this page : 
Is this the code?
And I've seen that I've to do these commands:
 cd /usr/src/linux
  patch -p1 < /path/to/patch
  make drivers/char/agp/
  cp drivers/char/agp/*.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/char/agp/
  depmod -ea
 Load the modules:
  modprobe agpgart
  modprobe via-agp

But how I,ve to take the code ? copy&paste to a text file?
And after, copy it to /usr/src/linux?

And with the previous rpm installation  
7.2-33_openchrome302 ?

Sorry to all the list too but,
I need to learn,
and learn quick  ;)

Alle 15:45, venerd? 10 agosto 2007, hai scritto:
> Maurizio Mariani wrote:
> > %%% from /var/log/Xorg.99.log :

%%% cut for quoting %%%

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