[Openchrome-users] need help for VIA VN896.......Thanks ;)

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Fri Aug 10 09:38:15 PDT 2007

Maurizio Mariani wrote:
> Alle 17:08, venerd? 10 agosto 2007, hai scritto:
>> Maurizio Mariani wrote:
>>> Sorry Xavier,
>>>   it,s first time for me.
>> No problem, I wasn't very clear anyway, sorry.
>>> I'm in this page :
>>> http://www.openchrome.org/trac/browser/branches/vn896_branch/unichrome/
>>> via.h?rev=361&order=name#L1
>>> Is this the code?
>> Yes.
>> This is what you need to do to get the driver from the correct branch
>> compiled and installed :
>> svn co http://svn.openchrome.org/svn/branches/vn896_branch
>> cd vn896_branch
>> ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr
>> make
>> sudo make install
>> take care, it'll overwrite the openchrome driver you're currently using.
>>> And I've seen that I've to do these commands:
>>>  cd /usr/src/linux
>>>   patch -p1 < /path/to/patch
>>>   make drivers/char/agp/
>>>   cp drivers/char/agp/*.ko /lib/modules/`uname
>>> -r`/kernel/drivers/char/agp/ depmod -ea
>>>  Load the modules:
>>>   modprobe agpgart
>>>   modprobe via-agp
>>> But how I,ve to take the code ? copy&paste to a text file?
>>> And after, copy it to /usr/src/linux?
>> You don't need to bother about agp for now. You need to have a working
>> display first.
>>> And with the previous rpm installation
>>> 7.2-33_openchrome302 ?
>> I don't know what you are talking about here, or actually I don't know
>> which distro you're running and where this additional rpm comes from
>> thus I can't comment, but it's really unlikely to be built from a
>> development branch (vn896_branch).
>>> Sorry to all the list too but,
>>> I need to learn,
>>> and learn quick  ;)
>> no problem :-)
>> Just one thing, please refrain from top-posting.
>> Regards,
>> Xavier
> Thanks,
>  svn co is a debian command for download that directory?
>  http://svn.openchrome.org/svn/branches/vn896_branch
> I'm on opensuse, is the same using wget -r ?
nope, svn is not specific to debian
get the package named 'subversion'
(no sure you're on opensuse 10.2, but this'll at least give you a good hint)
then run the commands I gave you, it will download the needed openchrome 
sources and compile them. You'll probably have to install a bunch of 
-devel packages to have a sucessful build. Here's some more hints for 
the build requires, but I'm not sure the packages are named like this on 
your distro :

> The rpm already installed, isn't from distro; I've intalled it for the first 
> try of the monitor, before writing You.
> And obviously I'm not using it, because doesn't work.
> Using instead the (original from distro) fbdev :)
ah, ok, it's from the prebuild binaries page in the wiki. I've followed 
the link, this is way too old and built from the trunk anyway.


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