[Openchrome-users] Xv or XVMC jerkyness

Picander userforum
Fri Aug 10 16:21:24 PDT 2007

Xv or XVMC jerkyness
i noticed my board (a jetway j7f2we) skips regularry frames (looks like 2 or 3 per second) after few seconds from the beginning of playback (mplayer xine and mythtv)
cpu is always down to 20%, and it's not a disk problem. this happens also if a play from a ramfs.
the strange thing is that if I press "F" (fullscreen) in myplayer the problem resets (smooth video for 2 seconds and then jerkiness is restored). Looks like a problem in video buffering is restored when mplayer change fullscreen status... what could be? 
fiddling with bios settings and via driver options in xorg.conf didn't help


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