[Openchrome-users] TV out on a CN700 (vt1622a)

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Mon Aug 27 09:28:36 PDT 2007

Matteo Brusa wrote:
> Hi,
> i read on the chip specs that it's capable of SDTV output; however i could not get such a resolution 
> from the composite output.
> Are there any special settings for X?
You need to set some options in xorg.conf :

Option "TVType" "string"

Where string is one of the following TV standard :
NTSC ; PAL ; 480P ; 576P ; 720P ; 1080I


Option "TVOutput" "string"

Where string is one of the following TV connexion type :

Composite ; S-Video ; RGB ; YCbCr ; SC

Then you need to use a supported mode for your TV encoder and the TVType 
you set in xorg.conf. See 
http://wiki.openchrome.org/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=TVOut for a list 
of all supported mode.

I'll add a clean up version of this to the wiki later, please feel free 
to spot anything that might not be as clear as needed.


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