[Openchrome-users] vt1625 and PAL modes?

Ken Huisman ken_a
Thu Feb 1 15:57:56 PST 2007

On Thu, 2007-01-02 at 18:54 +0100, Udo van den Heuvel wrote:
> Xavier Bachelot wrote:
> > This url was posted some time ago by Ken Huisman on the ML :
> > http://billionmonkeys.net/openchrome/
> > (http://wiki.openchrome.org/pipermail/openchrome-users/2006-November/002232.html)
> > 
> > 
> > No promise or anything not even that the patch applies properly.
> Using the patch (applies fine to svn288) and the xorg.conf (needed only
> to add 720x576Over to my old SP8000 config) I do have a picture on my
> monitor that appears to be bigger and a log saying much more about 720x576.
> I can test with TV once I can power down the system and move it close to
> the TV.
> So this appears to be progress! Thanks very much Xavier and especially Ken! 

its funny, it was easier to get the PAL modes to work than the NTSC (im
on NTSC, I changed the code for the PAL modes, got someone else to test
it and it worked with only a few changes).

For what it is worth, I am no longer making any changes for VT1625 - the
patch available is probably the last one you will see from me - a couple
months ago I did something to hose my commell board so I don't have a
test platform - it would be nice to submit the patch I have into the
source stream, it is better than what was there before, although not

Eventually I may get back to trying to resurrect my commell board (I'm
hoping I just need an OS reinstall), but its use in my home has been
replaced, so the board may just get sold.  Its too bad, I was really
close to getting NTSC 720x480Over working.



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