[Openchrome-users] Some questions and issues on a Via CN13000 (VM800)

Bilderbeek, Manuel manuel.bilderbeek
Mon Feb 12 00:53:52 PST 2007

>> Question: do I need DRI working to have accelerated 2D?
> Most likely.  But in my experience normal 2D dekstop usage doesn't 
> go any faster using the via instead of the vesa driver.  (But this 
> is with an Athlon processor, not a VIA one.)

On an 800MHz Via board with CLE266 (which I used earlier), there was 
quite a huge difference between them. I'm now using a CN13000 (1.3GHz 
C7) and the mentioned VM800, but I still want to minimize CPU load, so I 
guess I should always use DRI.

About the screenshots: it seems you (Benno) already tried to reproduce 
it yourself and that Thomas already made a patch. I'll try that one out 
very soon. So, I guess it's not necessary to open a bug report now. I 
will if there is no final solution soon.

Thomas, you can see it in the "Critical" screen saver in xscreensaver or 
gnome-screensaver as well. I think you could try that one as a test 
case. But as I said, I'll report back myself as well.

>> Question: what is the status of the 3D driver? I understood that
>> OpenChrome is not involved with this. But maybe someone knows
>> where to get more information about the status?
> It's unmaintained.  The Mesa-6.4.2 version works fine on KM400 and 
> similar, but most 800 chips have problems: the routines haven't 
> been adapted for them.

I'm using Mesa 6.5.1 and until now it seems to be working fine. This is 
on a FC6. And I tried Planet Penguin Racer for a few hours, no problems.

>> Also, I get a lot of "3D driver claims to not support visual
>> 0x46" in my terminal when running 3D apps.
> That's probably the transparency thing?  If you switch off AIGLX 
> does the message go away?

No, it doesn't. (Confirmed in the log that AIGLX is disabled.)
And as I said: 3D support is enabled and seems to be working fine.

Kind regards,

Manuel Bilderbeek
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