[Openchrome-users] XAA SolidFillRect problem with negative x value

Mark Huijgen mark.sf.net
Tue Feb 13 00:27:59 PST 2007

Benno Schulenberg wrote:
> Mark Huijgen wrote:
>> The result is that the rectangle  isnt drawn at all (so previous 
>> screen content stays visible). The program drawing at that place 
>> is openoffice (drawing the background of the menu bar).
> Meanwhile I've installed openoffice (version 2.1.0) but can't find a 
> menubar that doesn't get fullu drawn.  Please create a new ticket 
> in http://openchrome.org/trac/ and attach there a screen shot 
> fragment of a missing menubar background.
I'll make a screenshot of the glitch and post it (ticket #99]. I think 
it only happens OO is in a borderless window.

>> if(x<0) {
>>          w += x;
>>          x = 0;
>> }
> Is this w+=x necessary to fix the glitch?  Because other video 
> drivers never do anything with the x coordinate in their 
> SubsequentSolidFillRect routine.  Snipping something off might 
> still be okay, but moving the requested rectangle to the right 
> seems a wrong thing to do.
Well, if you dont modify the w and do modify x you will move the 
rectangle (shift x coordinate to 0 but dont modify the width). My code 
snipet modifies w to compensate for the shift in x by drawing a smaller 
width rectangle. So actually im only snipping the part of left of the 
screen (left of x coordinate 0).


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