[Openchrome-users] CN400 DVI output support

Hadley Rich hads
Thu Feb 15 11:45:59 PST 2007

On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 04:10:05 gpeters at deepsky.com wrote:
> I have this setup working in my SP8000E.  I had to start up my X server
> in VBEModes Yes, then kill it, then start it up without that.  Here's my
> rc.local.
> # hack to make the VIA driver work.  Isn't this very, very odd?
> X -config /etc/X11/xorg-hack.conf &
> sleep 10
> kill $!
> killall Xorg
> Section "Device"
>         Identifier      "Generic Video Card"
>         Driver          "via"
>         Option          "ActiveDevice"  "DFP"
>         Option          "VideoRam" "65536"
>         Option          "BusWidth" "24bit"
>         Option          "PanelSize" "1280x1024"
>         Option          "VBEModes" "true"
> EndSection
> is what my Device section looks like in xorg-hack.conf.  In my real
> xorg.conf, there's no VBEModes line.

Thanks Gavin and everyone else who replied.

That's given me some more things to try, which will unfortunately have to wait 
until the replacement board get here. This one has magically turned into a 
paper weight.

Thanks again,



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