[Openchrome-users] Need testing for viewport and hardware scissor fixes (google earth uses it)

Rikz userforum
Wed Feb 28 10:30:02 PST 2007

Re: Need testing for viewport and hardware scissor fixes (google earth uses it)
> I need people to test these since i only have 1 of the many
> unichromes.  scissor depends on viewport.  With these 2 almost all 3d
> apps should render correctly.  try the demos, except for fire, teapot
> and tunnel2 since they will hard lock you (next thing i want to fix).
My test results are sent to your mail. Note that fire, teapot and tunnel2 work almost fine, no hard locks for me.


Reply Link: <http://wiki.openchrome.org/tikiwiki/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=1&comments_reply_threadId=3166&comments_parentId=3153&post_reply=1#form>

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