[Openchrome-users] Need testing for viewport and hardware scissor fixes (google earth uses it)

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Wed Feb 28 15:44:19 PST 2007

Benno Schulenberg wrote:
> Miguel Marte wrote:
>> I am using version 2.10.2 from 20060616.  Can you revert back to
>> the old one for me?
> Tried with drm 2.10.2.  Still the same thing: at certain widths of 
> the glxgears window there's a sheared echo of the bottom part in 
> the background of the top part.
> But let's forget about this problem for now, as long as no one else 
> with a KM400 can confirm this.  It's rather unimportant, as there 
> aren't any hindering negative effects in real applications, apart 
> from a narrow band of scratches at the bottom of a bzflag window 
> (when not in fullscreen mode).  It's much more important to get the 
> texture lockup on the K8M800 solved; it probably affects many more 
> people.
> Benno

I'll give this particular test a try on a KM400A with whatever
drm version is in the 2.6.19 kernel (2.10.0 iirc). glxgears itself works
fine, but it was already ok with plain mesa 6.5.1.

I've already made some tests yesterday night with mesa 6.5.2 + the 2
patches on kernel 2.6.19. Mesa is not from git, but only plain 6.5.2
plus the patches, does that matter ?
I've seen the crash Benno already reported while playing (resizing,
moving, etc...) with glxgears. (via_tex.c:429: viaSwapOutWork: Assertion
`sz == vmesa->total_alloc[heap]' failed.)
GoogleEarth definitely sees an improvement (black window with the old
mesa). It's usable now but still shows some pbs (yellow/red blocks while
Some GL screensavers previews are also causing black stripes outside of
the preview window. I unfortunatly don't have the mesa demos on this
computer. I'll try with random GL games as time permit. Are there any
specific tests needed ?

Oh, and as a side note for FC6 users, the updated Mesa rpm is in the
Epia repo.


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