[Openchrome-users] SP13000 + fuzzy vga output at high resolutions

brightman userforum
Wed Jan 17 05:29:43 PST 2007

SP13000 + fuzzy vga output at high resolutions
I was thinking about buying an SP13000 board and driving the VGA output at the same resolution as my LCD which would mean a resolution of 1680 x 1050. 

Firstly is this reasonably straighforward using the openchrome drivers (is there an easy way to fathom out a suitable modeline, I've used powerstrip in the past?)

Secondly I've been reading on a couple of VIA related forums about problems with the VGA output on SP13000 boards at resolutions of 1280 x 1024 (and higher). 

Users have noticed fuzzy images, see:




Has anyone using this board noticed these artefacts? It could be just a windows thing but the posts I've given above seem reasonably convinced that the problem lies in the underlying hardware...

Any thoughts/comments welcome!



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