[Openchrome-users] Blackscreen on VN800 Laptop

Thomas P Crawford tjeford
Thu Jan 18 07:40:34 PST 2007

Greetings, I just purchased an ANote -- assembled in Jakarta that has
the VN800 Via chip.  It has Ubuntu 6.10 installed along with kbuntu and
the system runs fine.  I compiled the latest build of the openchrome
driver from svn and the latest drm from git, but I get the black screen.
Everything runs fine, I can log on, but nothing on the LCD panel.  

Then I read the mail list: ah this is a long standing problem.  

I will be glad to try and help in solving the problem in any way that I
can.  I am not a total newbie, I cannot code, but I can try to follow

The laptop works fine, but it would be nice if it could use the via
video driver.  

Attached is my lspci and the Xorg.log file for the blackscreen.

Thank you, Thomas Crawford
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Url : http://wiki.openchrome.org/pipermail/openchrome-users/attachments/20070118/9a771614/Xorg_log_via_blackscreen.bin

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