[Openchrome-users] Blackscreen on VN800 Laptop

Xavier Bachelot xb_ml
Fri Jan 19 00:59:35 PST 2007

Thomas P Crawford wrote:
> Greetings, I just purchased an ANote -- assembled in Jakarta that has
> the VN800 Via chip.  It has Ubuntu 6.10 installed along with kbuntu and
> the system runs fine.  I compiled the latest build of the openchrome
> driver from svn and the latest drm from git, but I get the black screen.
> Everything runs fine, I can log on, but nothing on the LCD panel.  
> Then I read the mail list: ah this is a long standing problem.  
> I will be glad to try and help in solving the problem in any way that I
> can.  I am not a total newbie, I cannot code, but I can try to follow
> instructions. 
> The laptop works fine, but it would be nice if it could use the via
> video driver.  
> Attached is my lspci and the Xorg.log file for the blackscreen.
> Thank you, Thomas Crawford

from your xorg log :

(EE) VIA(0): Unknown Card-Ids (1558|5406); please report to 
openchrome-users at openchrome.org

What is the manufacturer and model of your machine/motherboard ? What 
are the supported output modes (VGA/laptop panel/TV out) ?
I'll add your card to the driver once I have this info.


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