[Openchrome-users] CN700 S-Video output problem

Pirlouwi pirlouwi
Thu Jun 21 04:08:12 PDT 2007

here is my log file (the last in date).
'man via' is interresting, I did not knew in fact where to find the Xorg
options specifics to my video module.
Apparently as said in my 'man via', the "720x576Noscale" is available, and
it is the one I want (no video resizing meaning less artifact on tv)

Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 14:22:52 +0200
> From: Benno Schulenberg <bensberg at justemail.net>
> Subject: Re: [Openchrome-users] CN700 S-Video output problem
> To: openchrome-users at openchrome.org
> Message-ID: < 200706201422.52747.bensberg at justemail.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Pirlouwi wrote:
> > I have a big problem: my svideo tv out function is working, but
> > the image on the screen is not fitted to the TV screen. Quite
> > annoying for a mediacenter dedicated PC!
> > The X desktop is not fully displayed on the TV screen. I cannot
> > see 1 centimeter all around the screen. For example, I cannot see
> > the Gnome menu at the upside of my Ubuntu Feisty X desktop.
> > > Option "TVVScan" "fit"
> This doesn't look like a valid option.  Is it in 'man via'?
> > > # DisplaySize 300 225
> > > # DisplaySize 400 225
> You're not setting any display size?
> Please attach a gzipped Xorg.0.log.
> (Please switch off the Reply-To: in your gmail configuration.)
> Benno
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