[Openchrome-users] Question about new CX700M2

perevera userforum
Thu Jun 21 08:58:38 PDT 2007

Re: Question about new CX700M2
Hi, Christian and company.

When I read your explanation about the bug, I understood as if it only happened with LCD monitors and not with CRT TV (because you mentioned VBE modes). Well, I think I am confused.

Anyway, I have tested mythfrontend both in my LCD monitor (through DVI) and in the TV (S-Video). The malfunction happens the same, and this is like this: the image stops and re-starts every second or so, and you see a kind of green splash on the screen.

So, let's go for the patch. I had problems to compile and make it work the SVN version of mythtv, so I ended up by installing the packaged version. I therefore don't know how could I apply the patch.

Could you please point me at the right Mythtv-devel page where the path is explained, and tell me if the individual patch can easily be applied to my system?

Thanks so much.



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