[Openchrome-users] VIA Chrome9, Gaming hope?

SilentG userforum
Mon Jun 25 09:59:17 PDT 2007

VIA Chrome9, Gaming hope?
Is there any hope to play games on linux with a Via Chrome9 k8m890 chipset?
Games Examples: TheSims2, WarCraft3
I installed these games without any isues on linux
The Problem is:
When DRI is Enabled, As soon as i open the game linux crashes/freezes or somethimes X Restarts.
When DRI is Disabled, The game opens but its slow as hell
Also Someone on this forum told me the only hope for 3D accalaration is to Disable DRI, 
I did disable DRI but no 3D accalaration happened.
Thankz, Silent G


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