[Openchrome-users] Updated mplayer patch

Ron openchrome-users
Thu Mar 1 10:52:54 PST 2007


I've updated the mplayer patch to apply against current SVN (mplayer 22398, 
libav* 8175) from today.

I can take very little credit for this as I've just fixed the rejects and 
changed to the current method of codec registration in libavcodec/allcodecs.c 
after applying the latest patch from the file gallery.

Hope this helps anyone who's had problems with either the patches in the file 
gallery or on the XvMC page on the wiki.

It's only been tested as far as configures/compiles/installs and runs 
successfully displaying an mpeg.


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Name: mplayer.patch.bz2
Type: application/x-bzip2
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Url : http://wiki.openchrome.org/pipermail/openchrome-users/attachments/20070301/1de656ac/mplayer.patch.bin

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