[Openchrome-users] CX700 and no DVI-D output (EPIA-EX)

Claas Langbehn claas
Mon Mar 12 00:27:00 PDT 2007


now I managed to get the DVI-D output working. Option "VBEModes" "true" 
did the job.
(See http://www.openchrome.org/trac/ticket/88 )

I attached glxinfo's output. glxgears and glxheads both have problems to 
stay inside the
window. (see attached screenshot.) Glxgears displays 775-800 FPS at 100% 
cpu. Is that
normal? Even with UMA graphics, I thought, the cpu should not be at 
100%, because the
gpu is doing the job.

"mplayer -vo xvmc" does not work at all and a normal mplayer crashes the 
system with a
totally scrambled video window with flickering green and white dots. Do 
I need to patch
mplayer (VeMP)?

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