[Openchrome-users] CN400 mpeg-2 acceleration still slow

Chad masterclc
Wed May 9 20:22:41 PDT 2007

On 5/9/07, David Shay <david at shay.net> wrote:
> I have a Commell LV-667 with the CN400 chip.  I'm running trunk SVN revision
> 327 and the latest git drm.  I'm testing MPEG-2 acceleration using xine with
> -X xxmc and a 1280x720 video.  Video plays OK, but CPU usage hovers around
> 95%.  If I play a 1920x1080, it uses 100% and the video stutters.  From
> examining the xine logs, it appears to be using hardware acceleration, but
> the CPU utilization sure doesn't show it.  This is with Xorg 7.2
> Attached is a xine log.  Any thoughts?
> _______________________________________________

Can you also attach your /var/log/Xorg.0.log?


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