[Openchrome-users] CN400 mpeg-2 acceleration still slow

David Shay david
Wed May 9 19:33:01 PDT 2007

I have a Commell LV-667 with the CN400 chip.  I'm running trunk SVN revision
327 and the latest git drm.  I'm testing MPEG-2 acceleration using xine with
-X xxmc and a 1280x720 video.  Video plays OK, but CPU usage hovers around
95%.  If I play a 1920x1080, it uses 100% and the video stutters.  From
examining the xine logs, it appears to be using hardware acceleration, but
the CPU utilization sure doesn't show it.  This is with Xorg 7.2

Attached is a xine log.  Any thoughts?
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