[Openchrome-users] CN700 locks

David Kuehling dvdkhlng
Fri Nov 9 08:07:11 PST 2007

>>>>> "Octav'" == Octav'  <octavsly at tiscali.nl> writes:

> A quick answers: My machine does not crash anymore after disabling the
> AGPDMA: Option "EnableAGPDMA" "false"

I have the same problem w/ CN700.  But disabling DMA is quite a
performance hit when playing movies.

Is anybody actively researching that problem's cause?  Or is it known
and just not yet fixed?  

Say I'm experienced with gnu/linux and driver development.  What could I
do to help?  Anybody in posession of CN700 datasheets?

GnuPG public key: http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~dvdkhlng/dk.gpg
Fingerprint: B17A DC95 D293 657B 4205  D016 7DEF 5323 C174 7D40

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