[Openchrome-users] Ubuntu 7.10 and VIA VN800 'xorg.conf' error

Coady Buckley-Zistel Buckley-Zistel
Fri Nov 16 23:40:29 PST 2007


Thanks for your reply. Yes I have since learned by looking at my
previous Debian based installations that the chipset issue I mentioned
is not decisive. I am sorry that I was not clear in my post. The
situation is this:

I have an installation of Fedora 8 running on the same laptop as I run
Debian Etch and Ubuntu Feisty. Fedora uses the openchrome driver and
works well (with the work around for the screen blanking/greying).
Debian does not use the openchrome driver but runs "1024x768" screen res
with default drivers. Ubuntu Feisty uses a previous version openchrome
driver and runs well. Ubuntu 7.10 is another case, however.

With a clean install of 7.10, I can boot the system run the X server and
load GDM, load the desktop and log into the system. However, the default
screen res is only "800x600" and I know this screen will run at "1024x768".

I then ran the 'openchrome' script. This should allow me to correct the
screen res problem, but the only entry for "Modes" under the section is
"Screen" is "800x600". The driver has changed from 'vesa' to
'openchrome' which is correct. If I try to edit the 'xorg.conf' by
adding "1024x768" (in screen > display > modes), for example, then the X
server fails and I cannot run GDM and load the desktop, at all.
Following this error, X server falls back to 'failsafe' mode and does
not load the normal 'xorg.conf'.

Here is the section from the 'xorg.conf':
Section "Device"
	Identifier	"Generic Video Card"
	Driver		"openchrome"
	BusID		"PCI:1:0:0"

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier	"Generic Monitor"
	Option		"DPMS"

Section "Screen"
	Identifier	"Default Screen"
	Device		"Generic Video Card"
	Monitor		"Generic Monitor"
	DefaultDepth	24
	SubSection "Display"
		Modes		"800x600"

The openchrome driver is loaded but I cannot run X server or a desktop
except in low graphics mode.

(1) the log file from the openchrome script
(2) 'Xorg.0.log'

Thanks for you help.

Xavier Bachelot wrote:
> Coady Buckley-Zistel wrote:
>> I have Fedora 8 running "1024x768" screen res and using the openchrome 
>> driver on the same laptop as Ubuntu (Amilo Pro V2030), but Ubuntu 
>> keeps failing to run the X server and then reverts to a failsafe 
>> 'xorg.conf'.
>> I have attached the 'Xorg.0.log'. The only problem I can see is in the 
>> following lines (but I am not an authority on this):
>> (II) VIA: driver for VIA chipsets: CLE266, KM400/KN400, K8M800,
>>     PM800/PM880/CN400, VM800/CN700/P4M800Pro, K8M890, P4M900/VN896,
>>     CX700, P4M890
>> (II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:00:0
>> (--) Chipset VM800/CN700/P4M800Pro found
>> (!!) VIA Technologies does not support or endorse this driver in any way.
>> (!!) For support, please refer to http://www.openchrome.org/ or
>> (!!) your X vendor.
>> My laptop has the 'CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro' chipset and not the one 
>> identified in the log section (above). Something is wrong here. It 
>> looks like the chipset is being incorrectly identified. The openchrome 
>> driver has been working for the VIA VN800 in previous Debian based 
>> distributions and is currently working in other distro's. Any ideas...?
>> All the best, and thanks.
>> coady
> The chipset is correctly identified, this are just different names. When 
> looking at the graphical part only, VM800, VN800, CN700, P4M800Pro and 
> P4M800CE are the same.
> Are you saying that Fedora 8 works fine while Ubuntu doesn't ? I'm not 
> sure to correctly understand what the question is.
> Regards,
> Xavier

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