[Openchrome-users] HardwareCaveats: VN800 and Xv

Andrey Melentyev rikz
Mon Nov 19 02:37:06 PST 2007

On this page: http://wiki.openchrome.org/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=HardwareCaveats
it is written that for VN800 Xv is not working on laptop panel. I have
got exactly this peace of hardware:

# lspci | grep VGA
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UniChrome
Pro IGP (rev 01)
# lspci -n | grep 3344
01:00.0 0300: 1106:3344 (rev 01)

and in laptop technical specifications it is written, that motherboard
is based on VIA VN800+VT8237R+

However Xv works for me on a laptop panel. A part of xorg.conf:

Section "Device"

    Identifier	"VIA Unichrome Pro"
    Driver			"openchrome"

    Option	"EnableAGPDMA"  "false"
    Option	"VBEModes"           "true"
    Option	"VBESaveRestore" "true"


My Xorg.0.log is attached to this message. By the way, MPlayer also
works with XvMC:
[VD_FFMPEG] XVMC-VLD-accelerated MPEG-2.
[VD_FFMPEG] ?????? pixfmt=0.
VDec: ?????? vo config - 160 x 112 (???????????? ????????
????????????: MPEG1/2 Motion Compensation and VLD)
VDec: ????????? MPEG1/2 Motion Compensation and VLD ? ????????
????????? csp (?? 0)
Movie-Aspect - 1.43:1 - ?????????????? ??? ????????? ??????????? ?????? ??????.
VO: [xvmc] 160x112 => 160x112 MPEG1/2 Motion Compensation and VLD
vo_xvmc: Port 68 grabed
vo_xvmc: Found matching surface with id=32315659 on 68 port at 0 adapter
vo_xvmc: Allocated Direct Context
vo_xvmc: Motion Compensation context allocated - 8 surfaces
vo_xvmc: idct=0 unsigned_intra=0
vo_xvmc: looking for OSD support
    Subpicture id 0x34344149
vo_xvmc: OSD support by backend rendering (fast)
vo_xvmc: Please send feedback to confirm that it works,otherwise send bugreport!

and OSD with XvMC output works too. Sorry for Russian language in
MPlayer output, for some reason it ignores LANG=C variable.

I can provide some additional info if it is needed.
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