[Openchrome-users] P4M890 problems with TV

imreh_zoltan userforum
Tue Nov 20 05:11:40 PST 2007

Re: P4M890 problems with TV
> civico wrote:
> Zoltan, Denis,
> Not sure if this could be the root of your pb, but I wouldn't recommend
> running with VBEModes option enabled. This option should be
> automatically enabled by the driver whenever needed (mostly for laptop
> panel initialization). Try without it and see if it makes any difference.
> OT, I jump on the fact both of you run a P4M890. I would like to have
> the attached patch tested. If you have a bit of time, could you please
> send xorg logs with and without this patch applied ? It will help
> improve memory detection for the P4M890 chipset. Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Xavier

Hi Xavier.

I tryed with and without the VBEMode option, and it is basicaly the same thing. Tv-Viewer turnes green, and the computer gets very slow.

I would realy try out this patch, but I'm not finding here any attached file. Do you mean, that there is a new version of the driver, that I should check out and test it?
Anyway, if there is anything, that I can do to contribute to this project just let me know.



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