[Openchrome-users] Problem with Ubuntu 7.10 and K8M890

Joseph Shraibman openchrome
Thu Nov 29 11:17:37 PST 2007

On Thu, 29 Nov 2007, Xavier Bachelot wrote:

> Joseph Shraibman wrote:
>> I recently had to install a new motherboard.  The graphics worked fine with 
> Remove all the modelines and Horizsync Vertrefresh from the monitor section, 
> they are probably unneeded as the monitor is probably advertising its 
> modelines and hsync/vsync range thru DDC.
> grrr, and after going thru all the files and all, I actually read the display 
> manual. The optimal resolution is 1280x1024 so no wonder anything else is 
> blurry... The recommendation above still apply though, but don't expect any 
> miracle, TFT are made to work at only one resolution, anything else is doomed 
> to be sub-par.
> Oh, and you'll have to generate modelines for all the modes that are not 
> advertised thru DDC (use the 'cvt' tool).
ok Now I'm confused.  First you say get rid of mode lines then you say to 
generate some using cvt.  To be clear 1280x1024 is what I want to use, and 
what I was using with the old via chipset.  The problem is that there is 
horrible flickering (with parts of the screen that shouldn't be there 
being interleaved in )that makes the screen unusable at that resolution 
and I have to use 1280x800, and with that the bottom of my kde bar is cut 
off.  Getting rid of the modelines didn't seem to help anything.

   I have discovered that I can use the vesa driver at 1152x864 with no 
flickering and see the whole screen, so that is what I am using for now.
I tried openchrome at 1152x864 but still got the flickering, as I did with 
vesa at 1280x1024

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