[Openchrome-users] Problem with Ubuntu 7.10 and K8M890

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Fri Nov 30 05:02:28 PST 2007

Joseph Shraibman wrote:
> ok Now I'm confused.  First you say get rid of mode lines then you say 
> to generate some using cvt.  To be clear 1280x1024 is what I want to 
> use, and what I was using with the old via chipset.  The problem is that 
> there is horrible flickering (with parts of the screen that shouldn't be 
> there being interleaved in )that makes the screen unusable at that 
> resolution and I have to use 1280x800, and with that the bottom of my 
> kde bar is cut off.  Getting rid of the modelines didn't seem to help 
> anything.
>   I have discovered that I can use the vesa driver at 1152x864 with no 
> flickering and see the whole screen, so that is what I am using for now.
> I tried openchrome at 1152x864 but still got the flickering, as I did 
> with vesa at 1280x1024

Ok, here's the full configuration snipet and some explanations.

1280x1024 modeline is advertised by your monitor. See the xorg log for 
the full modelines list from your monitor.
The 2 other modelines have been generated by 'cvt 1280 800' and 'cvt -r 
1280 800' respectively, they are needed because not provided by your 
monitor. The 'ReducedAllowed' option is added to allow the monitor to 
use the reduced blanking modeline (1280x800R).

Section "Device"
         Identifier  "Generic Video Card"
         Driver      "openchrome"

Section "Monitor"
      Identifier      "SyncMaster"
      Option          "DPMS"
      Option          "ReducedAllowed"
# 1280x800 59.81 Hz (CVT 1.02MA) hsync: 49.70 kHz; pclk: 83.50 MHz
      Modeline "1280x800_60.00"   83.50  1280 1352 1480 1680  800 803 
809 831 -hsync +vsync
# 1280x800 59.91 Hz (CVT 1.02MA-R) hsync: 49.31 kHz; pclk: 71.00 MHz
      Modeline "1280x800R"   71.00  1280 1328 1360 1440  800 803 809 823 
+hsync -vsync

Section "Screen"
	Identifier	"Default Screen"
	Device		"Generic Video Card"
	Monitor		"SyncMaster"
	Defaultdepth    24
	SubSection "Display"
		Depth   24
		Modes   "1280x1024" "1280x800_60" "1280x800R"

The Modeline lines are actually not wrapped, this is a mailer artifact.
Lemme know if it works, and if not provide the xorg log.

btw, your web server seems down atm.


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