[Openchrome-users] Should it build on BSD?

mrdubya userforum
Sun Oct 14 14:05:32 PDT 2007

Re: Should it build on BSD?
> On 10/12/07, mrdubya  wrote:
> > Should it build on BSD?
> > Hi,
> >
> > For a happy afternoon I tried building the unichrome driver under OpenBSD 4.1.  AFAIK OBSD 4.1 has Xorg 6.9 so I tried building outside the build tree.  Once I fixed the svnversion.h issue the build failed with a bunch xf86... function and typedef redefinition errors.
> >
> > A quick trawl through the forum seemed to indicate that it may be better to try the openchrome code - so I did, but it failed with an autoreconf error. Looks like some packages missing which may be assumed on Linux systems.  Its a long shot anyway since I havae Xorg 6.9.
> >
> > So, should the driver build on OpenBSD? Anyone done/managed it?
> >
> I don't run BSD myself.  With the version of Xorg you are using you
> might want to try the pre 1.3 tagged version.
> http://svn.openchrome.org/svn/tags/xorg_pre_1.3_support
> If that doesn't work tar up your configure logs and make errors and I
> will see what I can do.
> Jon

So far my fault. I didn't have all the GNU auto build tools installed. I may not have them all set up correctly but I'm a heck of a long way further now.  It now fails with the package checks.  Sorry for the voyage of discovery but I have played in the X server world before.  I'll keep spelunking for now (having more keywords to look up and understand)

For chuckles I include the config.log - yell for other files of interest (a lot seem top be generated and I'm not sure which are useful and which are noise).



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