[Openchrome-users] Corrupted display with "EnableAGPDMA" "true" on CX700 (svn 423)

harrydb userforum
Tue Oct 30 08:20:20 PDT 2007

Corrupted display with "EnableAGPDMA" "true" on CX700 (svn 423)
When using the openchrome driver on a CX700 chipset "EnableAGPDMA" "true" (default) causes the display to corrupt. It especially seems it is overwriting itself with previous images. The initial display of screen is always correct, but after a few seconds it is (often) corrupted.

I solved this with
   [b]Option "EnableAGPDMA" "false"[/b]
but I think there might be a memory issue here. I am using svn revision 423 btw.


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