[Openchrome-users] Need help with support on ubuntuforum, can't handle the amount of request alone

Jelle de Jong jelledejong
Tue Oct 30 13:15:51 PDT 2007


Hello everybody,

As you all might know I have been creating openchrome installation 
script for Ubuntu for a while now.

The installation script works perfect and a lot of people are happy with 
it. However a large number is experiencing troubles with the openchrome 
driver, and I do not have enough experience with openchrome to pinpoint 
all there problems to one of the configuration options of the driver.

Therefor I am asking your help to provide some support helping people to 
find there correct settings for the driver.

Example: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3671525&postcount=56

How do you feel about this? Can I count on your support?

Best regards,


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