[Openchrome-users] K8M890 reports wrong video RAM size

Agenor Hentz agenor
Tue Sep 25 06:27:56 PDT 2007

   You'll find them attached to this message.

 Thanks in advance.


On 25/09/2007, Xavier Bachelot <xavier at bachelot.org> wrote:
> Agenor Hentz wrote:
> >
> >   Thanks for the workaround. The openchorme driver indeed reports the
> > right amount of videoram when setting it to 64Mb at BIOS. However, I do
> > still have only the 640x480 @ 60 Hz resolution available (another
> > independent issue then?). If I try to set the default depth at xorg to
> > 16 (instead of 24 I was using before) I get the extra 800x600
> > resolution. Apart from that, the log still shows the "hsync out of range
> > - horizontal sync too wide - mode clock to high" error messages for any
> > other resolution.
> >
> >    Again, thanks for the quick reply.
> >
> >  Agenor
> Could you please send full xorg log and xorg conf (compressed) ?
> X.
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