[Openchrome-users] problem with Syncmaster wide monitor

Alex Roitman shura
Wed Sep 26 21:37:26 PDT 2007


I am having problems with setting up the Samsung Syncmaster 216BW
monitor. I have an onboard UniChrome chip:
    Chipset VM800/CN700/P4M800Pro found

When the mode is of 1.6 aspect ratio, the image "does not fit" into
the display. The height is fine, but I can see only about 2/3 widths
of the desktop.

When the mode is anything with 1.33 ratio, I can see the whole
thing, but of course it is now squished and appears wrong.

I googled a bit and found this:

but it is for an Intel graphic chip. I wonder if anybody savvy
in modelines, dotclocks and whatnot can direct me into something
similar for the unichrome chip.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

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