[Openchrome-users] problem with Syncmaster wide monitor

Alex Roitman shura
Thu Sep 27 18:02:07 PDT 2007

On Fri, 2007-09-28 at 01:16 +0100, John Robinson wrote:
> On 27/09/2007 22:55, I wrote:
> > I'm also wondering if something in openchrome or X doesn't like reduced 
> > blanking; I think it may have come up before.
> Aha. In your xorg.conf Monitor section, add
>    Option "ReducedBlanking"

I tried making my own mode named "shura" to avoid confusion with
the standard mode. I made it exactly like what the monitor says
it suppports:

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier	"Generic Monitor"
	Option		"DPMS"
	HorizSync	30.0 - 81.0
	VertRefresh	56.0 - 75.0
	DisplaySize	474 296
	ModeLine "shura" 119.0 1680 1728 1760 1840  1050 1053 1059 1080 -hsync
	Option		"ReducedBlanking"

Section "Screen"
	Identifier	"Default Screen"
	Device		"Generic Video Card"
	Monitor		"Generic Monitor"
	DefaultDepth	24
	SubSection "Display"
		Depth		24
		Modes		"shura"

So now I get this in the log:

(**) VIA(0): *Mode "shura": 119.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.7 kHz,
59.9 Hz
(II) VIA(0): Modeline "shura"  119.00  1680 1728 1760 1840  1050 1053
1059 1080 -hsync +vsync
(**) VIA(0):  Driver mode "1680x1050": 119.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz),
64.7 kHz, 59.9 Hz

So it does not use "shura" but uses "1680x1050". Not sure if this
matters since they are the same.

Later on:

(WW) VIA(0): Option "ReducedBlanking" is not used

The whole thing looks the same. Also tried 
   Option "ReducedBlanking" "true"
to no avail.

So can this be it: for some reason ReducedBlanking is not used, and
this causes the screw-up? How do I make ReducedBlanking option used?
I am running the SVN version 399, which is almost recent now.

Thanks for the help,

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