[Openchrome-users] serious problem: possible memory corruption

vpcompany@tiscali.it vpcompany
Sun Apr 6 12:57:18 PDT 2008

hi hackers,

I'm trying to find out what is causing deadlocks on my system.
it's an EPIA EN1200E with kernel 2.6.24-1-686 from debian lenny and i'm
using xorg gdm gnome @1280x1024 with the maximum videoram setting
selectable in the bios =64MB
I use openchrome default settings but activedevice=crt,dvi (I use the
dvi daughter board)
I've 1GB ddr2 533 100% ok memtest86-ed several times.

my openchrome svn revision is currently: 532.

I've configured ttyS0 as serial console so I can see outputs on a
nullmodem terminal (like kernel panics).

I presume a memory corruption, buffer overflow, or something similar
because when I play (fullscreen seems worse) a video in XV or, worse,
XVMC using different player engines (xine, ffplay, mplayer, ...) I
quickly get a system deadlock with a panic reported on the serial

with XV I must run several videos before I can get a d-lock, with XVMC
often I need only one to kill all.

when the system is locked the screen is freezed and the last second
of the audio is looped forever.

when I play using x11 output, I've not any problem (but it's slooow :D)

I was able to copy by hand on paper this console output from an
imminent lock:
[drm:via_cmdbuf_wait] *ERROR* via_cmdbuf_wait timed out hw 179900
cur_addr f9800
repeated many times with different "cur_addr" values.
almost always I can read a kernel panic about ata dma error... but I do
not believe it's an ata problem: If I do not start X at all, my system
could run for months w/o problems, and I tried also to play a movie
with mplayer from command line and -vo dummy to verify under heavy

instead, if I run a video with XV under xorg without any apparent
problem, the system become unstable also when I close the player and
do other tasks (max uptime I can get after a video is ~15 days).
this is why I presume a memory corruption somewhere triggered by
playing a video in XV or XVMC.

kind regards,
I'm ready to help you solving this issue by sending logs or performing

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