[Openchrome-users] VX800 patch against randr

pcpa@mandriva.com.br pcpa
Sat Apr 19 15:04:19 PDT 2008

Quoting Xavier Bachelot <xavier at bachelot.org>:

> Paulo Cesar Pereira de Andrade wrote:
>> Xavier Bachelot wrote:
>>> Lemme know if it helps.
>>  Sorry for replying for the list also, but I think it is
>> good news. It works, at 800x480 :-)
> Excellent :-) No pb for the list, I just forgot to add it to the mail.
>>  But using NoAccel, and still locks completely the
>> computer when exiting the X Server.
> As I told you, I'm blindly trying to add VX800 to some switches here 
> and there, w/o real knowledge, so the lock up is probably me doing 
> something stupid. It's going to be hard to debug w/o the hardware, so 
> if you got a bit of time to spare, it'll probably be faster if you 
> try on your own. And we'll probably need a branch to work on that, 
> tracking stuff with a patch will probably not scale very well.

  I have been told these computers will become very popular, and
in a few months, you buy a "Kinder" (www.ferrero.com) and there
is one of those computers inside.

  But seriously, I don't have it available all the time as there are
others problems to be solved on it. But I will try to debug it. It
seems to not be too hard to figure out what is wrong in the "cleanup",
and after that, make some experiments to enable acceleration. Maybe
documentation for it will also be make freely available soon from via

  The OEM for it will now be done in France, at least a generic OEM,
that I believe is targeted to add value for www.zonbu.com computers.


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