[Openchrome-users] VX800 patch against randr

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Sun Apr 20 07:44:45 PDT 2008

pcpa at mandriva.com.br wrote:
> Quoting Xavier Bachelot <xavier at bachelot.org>:
>> Paulo Cesar Pereira de Andrade wrote:
>>> Xavier Bachelot wrote:
>>>> Lemme know if it helps.
>>>  Sorry for replying for the list also, but I think it is
>>> good news. It works, at 800x480 :-)
>> Excellent :-) No pb for the list, I just forgot to add it to the mail.
>>>  But using NoAccel, and still locks completely the
>>> computer when exiting the X Server.
>> As I told you, I'm blindly trying to add VX800 to some switches here 
>> and there, w/o real knowledge, so the lock up is probably me doing 
>> something stupid. It's going to be hard to debug w/o the hardware, so 
>> if you got a bit of time to spare, it'll probably be faster if you try 
>> on your own. And we'll probably need a branch to work on that, 
>> tracking stuff with a patch will probably not scale very well.
>  I have been told these computers will become very popular, and
> in a few months, you buy a "Kinder" (www.ferrero.com) and there
> is one of those computers inside.
hehe, I'm going to buy them by dozen until I find one then. My 2 years 
old daughter will love it (until I stole the computer from her ;-))

>  But seriously, I don't have it available all the time as there are
> others problems to be solved on it. But I will try to debug it. It
> seems to not be too hard to figure out what is wrong in the "cleanup",
> and after that, make some experiments to enable acceleration.

Keep us mailed, once you have something reasonably stable, I'll push it 
to trunk or create a branch.

> Maybe
> documentation for it will also be make freely available soon from via
> website...
Maybe, let's knock on wood...

>  The OEM for it will now be done in France, at least a generic OEM,
> that I believe is targeted to add value for www.zonbu.com computers.
Do you have more details ? I live in France, so I might be able to grab 
one, if they're so cheap.


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