[Openchrome-users] HP 2133 1.6 2GB/120 WLAN BT 3-CELL 8.9#VHB

Miguel Alvarez Blanco y Aurora Costales Castro miguelyoyi
Fri Dec 26 02:35:06 PST 2008

Hi, Jon.

Unfortunately, it does not solve the problem. Now it accepts a 1024x600 
mode, so there is no panning, both the Virtual and xvidtune sizes are 
1024x600, but the viewable area is about 772x466 pixels (a bit different 
from when the 1024x572 mode was selected, but quite similar). Again, the 
gnome changer calls this mode 1024x600. Note that, with the previous 
svn, it already was called 1024x600 and the Virtual size was set to 
1024x600 although no mode appeared to be accepted with that size. Now 
the 1366x768 mode seems to be probed, but rejected:

(II) CHROME(0): Not using default mode "1366x768" (hsync out of range)

And then, when setting the 1024x600 mode, it still talks about scaling 
and the 1366x768 at 60r mode:

(II) CHROME(0): ViaModeSecondCRTC
(II) CHROME(0): ViaPanelScale: 1024,600 -> 1366,768
(II) CHROME(0): Scaling factor: horizontal 3069 (0xbfd), vertical 1599 
(II) CHROME(0): mode: 0x937fbe8
(II) CHROME(0): mode->name: 0x937fc88
(II) CHROME(0): mode->name: 1366x768 at 60r
(II) CHROME(0): ViaSecondCRTCSetMode
(II) CHROME(0): Setting up 1366x768 at 60r
(II) CHROME(0): ViaSetSecondaryFIFO
(II) CHROME(0): ViaSetSecondaryDotclock to 0xc88c03
(II) CHROME(0): ViaSetUseExternalClock
(II) CHROME(0): ViaSecondDisplayChannelEnable
(II) CHROME(0): ViaDisplayDisableCRT

Could it be that the native panel resolution is really 1024x600? It is 
odd that the maximum resolution in Vista was precisely that, with no 
mention nor possibility of using a larger resolution. I am attaching the 
Xorg.0.log file, the xorg.conf is the same as in my previous post.

Thanks for your help.

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