[Openchrome-users] HP 2133 1.6 2GB/120 WLAN BT 3-CELL 8.9#VHB

Jon Nettleton jon.nettleton
Fri Dec 26 03:16:25 PST 2008

On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 9:35 PM, Miguel Alvarez Blanco y Aurora
Costales Castro <miguelyoyi at telecable.es> wrote:
> Hi, Jon.
> Unfortunately, it does not solve the problem. Now it accepts a 1024x600
> mode, so there is no panning, both the Virtual and xvidtune sizes are
> 1024x600, but the viewable area is about 772x466 pixels (a bit different
> from when the 1024x572 mode was selected, but quite similar). Again, the
> gnome changer calls this mode 1024x600. Note that, with the previous svn, it
> already was called 1024x600 and the Virtual size was set to 1024x600
> although no mode appeared to be accepted with that size. Now the 1366x768
> mode seems to be probed, but rejected:

That is all looking good.  I just grabbed the Mode that VIA was using
in their driver, and it is being rejected because it is outside the
default monitor HorizSync properties we are setting.  Let me figure
out which one is correct and make changes accordingly.  We are almost
there.  I will e-mail you when I have that worked out, will do it
right after dinner, maybe another hour or so.


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