[Openchrome-users] HP 2133 1.6 2GB/120 WLAN BT 3-CELL 8.9#VHB

Miguel Alvarez Blanco y Aurora Costales Castro miguelyoyi
Fri Dec 26 18:36:29 PST 2008

Miguel Alvarez Blanco y Aurora Costales Castro escribi?:
Hi, Jon.

> I am curious.  Did you say that the windows driver runs at 1366x768?
> I looked online and some HP 2133's do have a resolution of 1024x600.
> I am just wondering if perhaps these Mini Notes run at an interpolated
> higher resolution on an actual 1024x600 screen.  How does everything
> look if you choose 1024x600 in Gnome's resolution changer?  Let me
> know about the results.

No, the windows driver runs at 1024x600, that was the default and
maximum resolution you could get. So, maybe yes, the screen can be
1024x600 and the 1366x768 gets interpolated in Windows. If you choose
1024x768 in Gnome's resolution changer (using the later xorg.conf and
svn source, but also in previous cases as long as VBE modes are not
used), you have pretty much the same as in any other resolution:

* The changer makes it so that the Virtual Desktop equals the resolution
set (only in some odd cases where Gnome's name for the mode referred to
a higher resolution than that actually reported by xvidtune will you get
panning when moving the mouse off the edges of xvidtune's area, which is
different from the viewable area).

* The panel shows only about 75% of the Virtual desktop/xvidtune
resolution; in this case, about 772x466, which come from the top left
corner of the Virtual desktop. That is what you see, but there is action
all over the Virtual desktop, i.e., in gnome's top bar/panel, you miss
25% of it, the right part, where the calendar/clock and window selection
are usually displayed. Or, for example, in gdm's greeting window, you
see the login rectangle displaced to the right and bottom, and you
cannot see the buttons that usually lie on the bottom part of the
screen. They are still there, you can move the mouse out of the viewable
area (and it does not return back immediately, that is, it "feels" there
is room in the Virtual Desktop), and if you get lucky you can click on
these buttons. It is as if the viewable area were the real resolution
and the xvidtune mode/Virtual Desktop were a Virtual desktop larger than
the real resolution: the mouse can move freely, windows can be placed,
and window manager elements like the panel, too, all over the Virtual
Desktop; in those cases, in a normal environment, you would get panning
when the mouse hits the border of the viewable area; in my case, it is
as if the system behaved in that way, but without the panning, and so
the area displayed is always the same, and the mouse could get out of it.

To make it easier: I am attaching a screen capture of the whole screen,
that shows the Virtual Desktop, with a window resized to fit the
viewable area (minus the top gnome panel, it seems that I cannot overlap
a window with it no matter what, and perhaps 5-6 pixels of Desktop that
could be viewed under it, I did it with a text window instead of with a
more flexible window). In short, the mouse moves through all that
picture, which is 1024x600 and the same is reported by xvidtune, but I
always see only the width of the gnome terminal, and from the top of the
image up to 5-6 pixels below the edge of the gnome terminal. This is
with the last xorg.conf sent, after changing the resolution to 1024x600
from the maximum 1366x768.

Hope this is clear,


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