[Openchrome-users] HP 2133 1.6 2GB/120 WLAN BT 3-CELL 8.9#VHB

Miguel Alvarez Blanco y Aurora Costales Castro miguelyoyi
Sat Dec 27 02:11:23 PST 2008

Hi, Jon.

Ok, I hate it when this happens, but I had a case of "I swear, mr. 
developer, the computer did it differently when you were not looking". 
Yesterday I left the computer on with gdm stopped and let the battery 
drain, this morning I booted it and presto!, the same xorg.conf got a 
different response from the BIOS and worked nicely with the 1024x600 
resolution. There were some i/o, memory, and resource ranges reported 
differently, but most importantly, instead of

(II) CHROME(0): VIAGetPanelSizeFromDDCv1
(II) CHROME(0): ViaPanelGetNativeModeFromScratchPad
(II) CHROME(0): Native Panel Resolution is 1366x768
(II) CHROME(0): ViaPanelGetNativeDisplayMode
(II) CHROME(0): NativeModeIndex: 9
(II) CHROME(0): ViaModesAttach
(II) CHROME(0): Configured Monitor: Using hsync range of 30.00-70.00 kHz
(II) CHROME(0): Configured Monitor: Using vrefresh range of 55.00-90.00 Hz
(WW) CHROME(0): Unable to estimate virtual size
(II) CHROME(0): Clock range:  20.00 to 230.00 MHz

it reported

(II) CHROME(0): ViaPanelPreInit
(II) CHROME(0): VIAGetPanelSizeFromDDCv1
(II) CHROME(0): I2C device "I2C bus 2:ddc2" registered at address 0xA0.
(II) CHROME(0): Manufacturer: AUO  Model: 10c2  Serial#: 0
(II) CHROME(0): Year: 2008  Week: 1
(II) CHROME(0): EDID Version: 1.3
(II) CHROME(0): Digital Display Input
(II) CHROME(0): Max H-Image Size [cm]: horiz.: 20  vert.: 11
(II) CHROME(0): Gamma: 2.20
(II) CHROME(0): No DPMS capabilities specified; RGB/Color Display
(II) CHROME(0): First detailed timing is preferred mode
(II) CHROME(0): redX: 0.573 redY: 0.339   greenX: 0.330 greenY: 0.596
(II) CHROME(0): blueX: 0.142 blueY: 0.103   whiteX: 0.310 whiteY: 0.330
(II) CHROME(0): Manufacturer's mask: 0
(II) CHROME(0): Supported additional Video Mode:
(II) CHROME(0): clock: 50.4 MHz   Image Size:  195 x 113 mm
(II) CHROME(0): h_active: 1024  h_sync: 1048  h_sync_end 1184 
h_blank_end 1344 h_border: 0
(II) CHROME(0): v_active: 600  v_sync: 603  v_sync_end 604 v_blanking: 
625 v_border: 0
(II) CHROME(0):  B089AW01 V0
(II) CHROME(0): EDID (in hex):
(II) CHROME(0): 	00ffffffffffff0006afc21000000000
(II) CHROME(0): 	0112010380140b780afa569256549824
(II) CHROME(0): 	1a4f5400000001010101010101010101
(II) CHROME(0): 	010101010101b0130040415819201888
(II) CHROME(0): 	3100c371000000180000000f00000000
(II) CHROME(0): 	00000000000000000020000000fe0041
(II) CHROME(0): 	554f0a202020202020202020000000fe
(II) CHROME(0): 	004230383941573031205630200a005a
(II) CHROME(0): EDID vendor "AUO", prod id 4290
(II) CHROME(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
(II) CHROME(0): Modeline "1024x600"x0.0   50.40  1024 1048 1184 1344 
600 603 604 625 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz)
(II) CHROME(0): VIAGetPanelSizeFromEDID
(II) CHROME(0): VIAGetPanelSizeFromDDCv1: (1024x600)
(II) CHROME(0): ViaPanelGetNativeDisplayMode
(II) CHROME(0): NativeModeIndex: 13
(II) CHROME(0): ViaModesAttach
(II) CHROME(0): Configured Monitor: Using hsync range of 30.00-70.00 kHz
(II) CHROME(0): Configured Monitor: Using vrefresh range of 55.00-90.00 Hz
(WW) CHROME(0): Unable to estimate virtual size
(II) CHROME(0): Clock range:  20.00 to 230.00 MHz

which must be the correct values, for it ended up with the correct 
1024x600 settings and looking correct even after mode changes. However, 
this did not last: got to a text VT, stopped gdm, restarted it with the 
same xorg.log, and back to the 75% behavior and not detecting the EDID.

However, changed the xorg.conf to use the PanelSize option as you 
suggested, and again it works, although it still does not get the EDID 
data. So, there was a single time where it behaved correctly without 
forcing it (the only X run where it got EDID data, although using the 
same configuration previously and after did not work), which I am 
including as xorg.conf-q and Xorg.0.log-693-q, and my (for now) final 
and stable across reboots correct settings and output,  xorg.conf-u and 

It seems that the BIOS has personality issues, then, since it behaves 
differently after a battery runout (possibly the system had been 
suspended or hybernated) than after a simple X stop or a reboot. 
Nevertheless, since the PanelSize "1024x600" solved the problem in a 
different way (I had tried the option previously, but with wrong 
settings and Modelines, so it did not worked), I am now happy. Many 
thanks for all your help, Jon. In any case, there still remains the 
issue with the EDID report from the BIOS; right now, it is not important 
for me, but if you want to know more about it, have me try code to solve 
the issue, or any other thing to help the openchrome effort, please let 
me know, I am willing to help.

Best regards and merry christmas!

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