[Openchrome-users] xine vs. vdr vs. omenchrome

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Mon Feb 4 00:52:42 PST 2008

Tony Grant wrote:
> Xavier,
> Downgrading libX11 to the one from FC7 fixes the xxmc xine lockup.
> CPU usage goes up about 2-5%
> Cheers
> Tony

Hi Tony,

Yup, I know this is not openchrome related and I'm in contact with a 
xine developer which in turn is tracking the bug down with one of the 
XCB guys. I'll let you know...
My own issue, deadlock after playing a video with high cpu usage has 
slightly improved after switching to libxcb-1.1. It's now deadlocking 
with low cpu usage. On the right track, but not quite there yet ;-)
I believe the FC7 libX11 is not using XCB and that's why the pb 
disappears if you downgrade.


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