[Openchrome-users] Problem with PAL TV output

Peter qalt
Mon Feb 4 13:43:25 PST 2008


I have Via CN700M chipset with 3167 VGA on board and I need to output 
standart PAL on TV-Out (Composite) 

Everything work fine but I can't convice openchrome driver to use another 
ModeLine than:

Modeline "720x576Over"   27.00  720 768 800 864  576 577 579 625 -hsync +vsync

Problem with this setting is that it don't work with any PAL TV, image
looks unsychronized and it is barely watchable. In my opinion, the reason 
is that ModeLine above set horizontal refresh rate to 31.25KHz 
As far as I know PAL has horizontal refresh rate 15.625KHz

My attempts to force refresh rate or customize Modeline was rejected
by messages:
Not using mode "720x576" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)

horizontal refresh rate 15.625KHz imply clock frequency near 14MHz
I also noticed message :  

Clock range:  20.00 to 230.00 MHz 

so than if clock range is limited to 20 Mhz from bottom
how it can produce clean image when I set Video output in BIOS
to CRT+TV  when displaying POST screen 

Part of my xorg.conf

Section "Device"
        Identifier      "VideoCard"
        Driver          "openchrome"
        BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"
        Option          "EnableAGPDMA" "True"
        Option          "ActiveDevice" "TV"
        Option          "TVType" "PAL"
        Option          "TVOutput" "Composite"

Section "Monitor"
        Identifier   "PalTv"
        VendorName   "tv"
        HorizSync    15.0 - 20.0 
        VertRefresh  50.0

        ModeLine "720x576o"     14.0625 720  760  800 900       576  600  615  625 -hsync -vsync 
        ModeLine "720x576"      14.0625 720  760  800 900       576  580  600  625 -hsync -vsync 
        ModeLine "720x576"      14.0625 720  740  840 900       576  600  615  625 -hsync -vsync 
        ModeLine "720x576"      16.25   720  780  900 1040      576  600  615  625 -hsync -vsync 

Has anyone experienced simlar problems or maybe no problems ?
Im not afraid to try hack throgh the sources but I could use some help.

Thank you

Peter Facka

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